Eudora parents, guardians, and grandparents are invited to attend this interactive presentation on how best to reinforce learning at home! Patrice Bain is an Author and Teacher who has partnered with cognitive scientists to develop strategies that increase memory, grades, and retention of material.
LAWRENCE — Researchers at the Center for Remote Sensing and Integrated Systems, headquartered at the University of Kansas, have received almost $1 million from the National Science Foundation’s Major Research Instrumentation program to design and build an adaptable radar system for long-range unmanned aerial systems.
Sivani Badrivenkata, junior, Lawrence, “Biologics vs. E. coli: Testing Lactoferrin’s Viability as a Preventative Therapeutic for Neonatal Sepsis in Pregnant Patients,” Michael Hageman, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
In response to concerns expressed by those who have been living at the temporary support site that was established by the City over the summer, the City is committing to leaving the site in operation through March 12, 2023.